Working for us:  

***NEW*** We currently have two vacancies: SWAN Project which provides a holistic women centered service that is responsive to the needs of women who are exploited by the sex industry

We are committed to employing the right individuals for our roles, and ensuring SWA is the right fit for you. If you feel that any of our advertised roles need some degree of flexibility to fit around your work/life balance or that you would benefit from a training role in order to gain relevant experience, we encourage you to get in touch to discuss this before applying. All requests considered and adjustments applied where it is operationally viable to do so.  

Swansea Women’s Aid offers dynamic, innovative services to women and children experiencing violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence (VAWDASV).

Do you want to be part of our journey?

1 x 35-hour  SWAN support worker                  

Annual salary £23,208.95

SWAN Support Worker Application Pack 35 hour Feb 25

1 x 17.5 hour SWAN support worker

Annual salary £11,604.47

Funded by National Lottery community fund

SWAN Support Worker Application Pack 17.5 hours Feb 25

We are looking for dedicated support workers who have experience of working with women with multiple disadvantage.

Main Purpose of the Roles

  • To work as part of a multi-agency team providing specialist support and well-being interventions to women exploited by the sex industry across all sectors (street sex industry in particular), taking into account emerging online sectors and migrant workers.
  • To provide a range of practical and emotional support to women who are at risk of sexual and/or domestic violence and abuse and/or exploitation and human trafficking
  • To assist and facilitate women using the service to make informed decisions and positive changes to their lives, using the self-help principle to encourage independence and empower the women to succeed on all levels.

Location of post – Swansea

Closing date: Tuesday 11th March 2025

Interview dates: Friday 11th & Tuesday 18th March 2025

Start date: ASAP

SWA value diversity and are committed to promoting equality. We encourage applications from women from all backgrounds and communities –  Black, Asian, LGTBQ+ or other ethnic minority backgrounds and people with a disability.

We particularly welcome applications from Welsh speaking candidates.

Under the Equality Act 2010 pursuant to Schedule 9, Part 1, these are women only posts

Mae Cymorth i Fenywod Abertawe yn cynnig gwasanaethau deinamig, arloesol i fenywod a phlant sy’n dioddef trais yn erbyn menywod, cam-drin domestig a thrais rhywiol.

Ar hyn o bryd mae gennym 2 swydd wag ar Brosiect SWAN sy’n darparu gwasanaeth cyfannol sy’n canolbwyntio ar fenywod ac sy’n ymateb i anghenion menywod sy’n cael eu hecsbloetio gan y diwydiant rhyw.

1 x 35 awr   Gweithiwr Cymorth Prosiect SWAN    Cyflog blynyddol £23,208.95

 Gronfa 31 Mawrth 2026

SWAN Support Worker Application Pack 35 hour Feb 25

1 x 17.5 awr   Gweithiwr Cymorth Prosiect SWAN           Cyflog blynyddol: £11,604.47

SWAN Support Worker Application Pack 17.5 hours Feb 25

Wedi’i hariannu gan Gronfa Gymunedol y Loteri Genedlaethol tan 30 Mehefin 2027

 Rydym yn chwilio am weithiwr cymorth ymroddedig sydd â phrofiad o weithio gyda menywod ag anfantais luosog.

Lleoliad pob swydd – Abertawe

 Am fwy o wybodaeth am y rolau hyn, gweler y pecynnau cais sydd ar gael ar wefan SWA NEU drwy anfon e-bost i:

Dyddiad cau: 9yb dydd Mawrth 11eg Mawrth 2025

Dyddiad y cyfweliad: Dydd Gwener 14eg & dydd Mawrth 18fed O Fawrth 2025

Dyddiad dechrau: Cyn gynted ag y bo modd

 Mae SWA yn gwerthfawrogi amrywiaeth ac yn ymrwymedig i hyrwyddo cydraddoldeb. Rydym yn annog ceisiadau gan fenywod o bob cefndir a chymuned – Du, Asiaidd, LHDTC+ neu gefndiroedd lleiafrifoedd ethnig eraill a phobl ag anabledd.

Rydym yn croesawu’n arbennig geisiadau gan ymgeiswyr sy’n siarad Cymraeg.

O dan Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb 2010 ac yn unol ag Atodlen 9, Rhan 1, swyddi i fenywod yn unig yw’r rhain.